Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I.F. Whiskers

I know a guy (let's call him "Wayne" for the sake of the story) who is sort of an artist when it comes to his hair. For instance one time he might shave only half of his whiskers. Then another time, when it feels right, he might give himself a Monk cut. Yep he's always trying something different than the next guy. So if you run into a guy named "Wayne" that is sporting a curious hairdo, say hi... he may just become your best friend.

Created for Illustration Friday's word of the week "whiskers."

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I.F. zoom

Chad Hall is quite the photographer. He uses a moose suit and a ZOOM lens to get ridiculously close to wildlife.

Created for Illustration Friday's word of the week "Zoom."

Hi Chad.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Would Chuck Norris be shy without his toupee? Why don't a you ask him and then let me know how that roundhouse kick to the face felt?

Created for Illustration Friday's word of the week "shy."

I'm a little late getting this done but vacations from my problems at lake Winnipesaukee can get in the way of a blog.